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NT-MDT Rome Workshop June 17th 2016


NT-MDT was proud to recently host a one day Workshop in Rome exclusively for its Italian Customers. This event was held at the Grand Hotel Palatino, Rome Italy June 17th 2016.  NT-MDT is renowned for holding successful workshops and this was yet another intriguing event titled “Techniques of AFM, Super resolution imaging- Tip Enhanced Raman Scattering (TERS)”

The opening talk was delivered by NT-MDT’s infamous Dr Sergei Magonov CEO of NT-MDT America who always delivers exceptionally interesting talks and did not fail to impress at this workshop either by giving a presentation on “Compositional imaging of complex materials with atomic force microscopy”.  Dr Vyacheslav Polyakov Head of R&D at NT-MDT also presented an excellent talk on “Reliable TERS probes based on Si cantilevers for nanoRaman imaging and nano-IR sSnom”.

Dr Sergei Magonov presented the final talk of the day on “Mulitfrequencies AFM for Electrical characterisation” before the Live presentations of the systems .In addition to the informative talks Dr Sergey Lemeshko Regional Sales Manager for Italy and Dr Stanislav Leesment gave live demonstrations on the Ntegra and TITANIUM devices  proving results in real time.

The workshop attracted great interest and welcomed attendees and our own Users from various Universities across Italy such as Padvoa University and University of Salento.

This one day workshop contributed to meeting new and potential customers and also gave us a chance to meet our current users where we can communicate in a relaxed environment and can also discover new and exciting plans for the future in NT-MDT.

We look forward to meeting our customers at future workshops and events!

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