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NT-MDT Hosting Free Workshop at The University of Bath, England, on the 7th and the 8th of May 2015


NT-MDT is excited to extend an exclusive invitation for you to participate in our Bath workshop at The University of Bath on Thursday the 7th and Friday the 8th of May focusing on the techniques of AFM, Raman, SNOM and TERS.

The workshop will take place on the days following the University of Bath’s popular series of one-day imaging-related conference on Wednesday the 6th of May 2015.
(Link http://blogs.bath.ac.uk/mas/category/conference-2015/).

Please note separate registration is required for both events, those wishing to attend the meeting on the 6th should also contact  u.j.potter@bath.ac.uk.

In addition to the talks we will be able to provide and demonstrate measurements on the NTEGRA Spectra, and TITANIUM devices as well as introducing our new Thermal Chamber.

We would also like to take the opportunity to invite you to join us for a conference dinner that will be held on the evening of Thursday the 7th May at 7.30pm for all speakers and attendees, venue is to be confirmed.


Please respond to Jessica Ryan ryan@ntmdt.ie to confirm your attendance. 

DR. SERGEY LEMESHKO is one of the senior NT-MDT specialists , he started back in 1997 with NT-MDT and went from a cantilever testing engineer to the one of the chief application scientists . He has a PhD degree from The Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering focused on NT-MDT walls with the subject of high wear and conductive coatings for SPM probes for diverse AFM applications.
DR. STANISLAV LEESMENT is a Senior Scientist at NT-MDT. He started his studies at Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (MIEE). After his PhD, S.L. joined the NT-MDT Co., where he worked in R&D Department as an application scientist. He is chief of the software development group at NT-MDT. He has more than 15 years of experience in AFM, software development coordination, product presentation/demonstration, outsource management nanotechnology. His interests are focused on AFM automation and control, and mechanical studies at the nanoscale
DR. OLGA KAZAKOVA received her PhD degree in Physics in 1996 from Institute of Crystallography (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow). She moved to Solid State Physics Department of Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden) in 1999, where she worked first as a postdoc and later on as an assistant professor in the area of nanomagnetism and nanotechnology.

Olga joined the Quantum Detection group at the NPL in 2002. Since 2009 she is a Principle Research Scientist at NPL. She leads a number of national and international projects on:

  • Development of single magnetic particle detectors (nano-SQUID and nano-Hall sensors) for biological and metrological applications
  • Effects of dimensionality in diluted magnetic semiconductors and oxides
  • Electric scanning microscopy in graphene
PROF. ASA BARBER has a diverse background primarily in mechanics at multiple length scales. His research overview includes studying the physical properties and behaviour of soft materials at small length scales. Most of the research examines the mechanical and surface properties of soft materials, almost exclusively using advanced experimental techniques.

The materials that are examined are diverse but research is currently focused on polymeric nanofibres and their composites either produced synthetically, usually using electrospinning methods, or in nature such as the collagen assemblies found in bone. These materials typically show physical properties that change as they become smaller and are thus interesting both in fundamental behavior as well as for potentially new nanotechnological applications. Some of the research develops new experimental and imaging techniques in order to design more effective testing procedures. The facilities are extensive but mostly incorporate scanning probe microscopy, electron microscopy and focused ion beam.

Prof Asa Barber has recently being appointed as Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Portsmouth.

PROF. SONIA CONTERA graduated in Physics from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, then did graduate studies at Beijing Languages and Culture University and worked as a researcher at the Czech Academy of Sciences. She moved to Japan on a Monbusho scholarship and obtained her PhD from Osaka University. In 2000 she was awarded an E.U. Fellowship to Japan at the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research SANKEN, Osaka University. In 2002, She became an Assistant Professor, at the iNano Centre, Univ. of Aarhus, Denmark. She is currently an Associate Professor in Biological Physics and Nanomedicine at the University of Oxford, director of the Oxford Martin Programme on Nanotechnology (Institute of Nanoscience for Medicine) at the Oxford Martin School.

Prof. Contera’s research in include Nanophysics for medicine, Physics in biology at the nanoscale, Biomimetic functional materials, molecular forces in biology, physicochemical interactions at bionano-interfaces, nanostructure /biomolecules /cells interactions, High-resolution/high-speed/ atomic force microscopy in biology, mechanical properties mapping, Force spectroscopy and nanostructured surfaces/liquid-solid interfaces, nano-bio interfaces.


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