AFM probes with TiN coating appeared in our assortment again

We’re glad to announce that AFM probes with titanium nitride (TiN) coating appeared in our assortment again.
High hardness of this material and its melting temperature around 3500 oC provides its utility in wide range of applications.
Our practice of AFM measurements shows that thin films of TiN spread over AFM cantilever’s tip’s end are stable in high currents and usual force loads that arise in the contact AFM technique. Our first cantilevers with conductive TiN coating were prepared and investigated in 1998 as the result of the common project of NT-MDT and State Research Institute for Problems in Physics ( (V. Shevyakov, S. Lemeshko, V. Roschin. Conductive SPM probes of base Ti or W refractory compounds. Nanotechnology, 9 (1998) 352-355).
Since July TiN coated AFM cantilevers are presented in our stock by models: NSG01/TiN and FMG01/TiN. If you need AFM probes with other resonance and stiffness parameters, please, don’t hesitate to write to (Evgeniy Lisov). In future we’re going to extend TiN assortment over all models of Golden series.
Refreshing our production range we also announce the new special: with any offer made in August the one may claim to try conductive TiN cantilevers. And we will send a test box of three NSG01/TiN or FMG01/TiN probes for free. We will also appreciate if you share with us your opinion after trying these probes later!